Bhimsen Poly Clinic

Monday, May 21, 2018

Thyroid Disorder: Signs, Symptoms, Causes, Treatments

Our hormones are responsible for the communication between all bodily systems, so it is of high importance to always treat hormonal imbalances on time.

Thyroid issues are the most common endocrine disorders and lead to a dysfunction of the hormone messengers. Over 4.6% of the U.S. population suffers from the most dominant thyroid disorders, hypothyroidism hyperthyroidism.
Hypothyroidism is the condition of an underactive thyroid gland, characterized by symptoms such as:

  • Weight loss
  • Fatigue
  • Slow metabolism and constipation
  • Brain fog
Hyperthyroidism, on the other hand, occurs as a result of a hyperactive thyroid gland, leading to too high levels of thyroid hormone in the blood, and is characterized by:
  • Anxiety, nervousness
  • Accelerated metabolism
  • Muscle weakness
  • Troubles sleeping
Sometimes, thyroid disorders occur when the body’s immune system mistakes thyroid glands cells and their enzymes as attackers to the system, and this hypothyroidism type is also known as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. Hyperthyroidism can be a result of the development of nodules on the thyroid that will grow and boost the input of the thyroid hormone.
These disorders are diagnosed by conducting a blood test, and the usual treatment involves the prescription of a synthetic hormone,  levothyroxine, and other anti-thyroid drugs.

Due to the integrated nature of the endocrine system, one should also test the sex hormones when suspecting a thyroid disorder.
The thyroid gland requires certain nutrients in optimal levels in the body, such as selenium and zinc, so one can successfully treat these disorders by optimizing their amounts in the system.
Making dietary changes is your first line of defense in treating thyroid disorders. Therefore, in the case of hypothyroidism, you should increase the intake of the following foods:
  • Legumes
  • Eggs
  • Grass-fed meats
  • Nuts and nut butters
  • Avocados
  • Ghee
  • Fish
  • Yogurt
  • Cottage cheese
  • Coconut milk
  • Flax seeds
  • Asparagus
  • Mushrooms
  • Spinach
  • Garlic
  • Sesame seeds
  • Swiss chard
  • Summer squash
  • Cabbage
  • Cauliflower
  • Broccoli
  • Grapefruits
  • Peaches
On the other hand, these are the best foods you can consume to naturally address hyperthyroidism and relieve its symptoms:

  • Millet
  • Broccoli
  • Cabbage
  • Radish
  • Turnips
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Watercress
  • Mint
  • Peaches
  • Mustard
  • Oregano
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Almonds
  • Spinach
  • Basil
  • Marjoram
  • Pears
  • Rosemary

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Moringa – The Herb That Treat Cancer And Stops Diabetes

Moringa oleifera is an incredibly healthy herb, native to South Asia, which has been traditionally used as a medicine for thousands of years. It is a rich source of antioxidants and offers various health benefits

Both, its leaves, and fruits are edible and can significantly improve your health, as they are high in vitamins and minerals. Actually, only a cup of this fruit provides 157% of the recommended daily amount of vitamin C.
Moreover, it contains the following nutrients:
  • Vitamin B6- 19% daily needs
  • vitamin B2 riboflavin- 11%
  • iron- 11%
  • Vitamin A-9%
  • magnesium- 8%
  • protein-2 g
The consumption of the raw plant provides the best effects, but you can also take supplements of the dried Moringa leaves.
These are the most important benefits of the consumption of this plant:
It regulates blood sugar
This herb can be of great help in the case of diabetes, as studies have shown that it can effectively regulate blood sugar levels. One study involved 30 women who received a daily dose of 7g Moringa leaf powder for 3 months, and it leveled their blood sugar by 13.5%.
Purifies blood
The leaves and fruits of this herb cleanse the blood, and also treat all kinds of skin issues. If applied topically, it can treat pimples and acne, due to the powerful properties.
Relieves headaches
Prepare a natural juice of the roots of this plant, and jaggery, mixed in equal amounts, and soothe the terrible headaches.
Strengthens your bones
The consumption of this plant improves the density of bones, as it provides high amounts of iron and calcium. Moreover, it helps you boost your stamina and improve your overall health.
Improves your eyesight
This herb can effectively treat swellings of the eyes, as well as conjunctivitis. Grind the leaves and apply the paste on the eyes. Also, mix the juice with some honey and apply it as an eyeliner to treat corneal issues.
Prevents cancer
Moringa is high in antioxidants which prevent free radical damage and the development of cancer. Moreover, it is rich in vitamin C, beta-carotene, chlorogenic acid and quercetin.
Slows down the aging process
It is high in vitamin A which efficiently decelerates aging, boosts immunity, and improves the eyesight. Therefore, you should incorporate this amazing herb into your diet and enjoy its countless health benefits!

Monday, September 4, 2017

10 Health Benefits of Carrot Juice

1. Strong Bones–Two of the minerals contained in carrots–Potassium and Vitamin K–help to strengthen the body’s bones via providing amino acids to build protein.
2. Skin Protectant–The beta-carotene in carrots has a variety of benefits, including the fact that it acts as a skin protectant from the Sun’s harmful rays and bolsters the body’s ability to fight infection from skin wounds.
3. Immunity Booster–Another benefit linked to beta-carotene is its ability to convert into Vitamin A when consumed, along with its power to ward off viruses and infections, and therefore, boosting the body’s immune system.
4. Heart Healthy–Carrots are known to lower cholesterol levels and risk of cardiovascular disease by enabling the body to digest fats easier and more effectively.
5. Better Oral Health–This is a unique benefit associated with carrots and could explain why Bugs Bunny loves them so much. The consumption of carrots actually cleans your teeth via their crunchy texture, which removes the plaque from your teeth and stimulates the production of saliva, which neutralizes the bacteria housed in the mouth.
6. Anti-Aging–Another benefit associated with beta-carotene is its ability to act as an anti-oxidant for damaged cells in the body.
7. Detoxifier–Vitamin A generated by beta-carotene helps detoxify the body via flushing toxins from the liver. This reduces the production of bile and helps the liver process fats more efficiently.
8. Anti-oxidant-Rich— Carrots are chock full of anti-oxidants known as carotenoids, which give carrots their distinctive orange hue.
9. Stroke Preventative–According to studies, people who eat 5 or more carrots a week are less likely to be at risk for strokes than those who consume one or fewer carrots in a month.
10. Vitamin-Rich–In addition to their Vitamin A-rich notoriety, carrots are also rich in Vitamins C, E, K, and D. These nutrients aid numerous organs and systems of the body, including your eyes/vision, skin, immune, cardiovascular, digestive, endocrine, etc. In fact, there is not a system in the body that does not benefit from these essential vitamins.

Thursday, August 31, 2017

11 Reasons Why You Should Eat #Avocados Everyday

Avocados are very popular. If you love guacamole dip, you know that you cannot make it without avocados. There are many people who eat avocados on their own for breakfast or as a snack. If you haven’t tried avocados or if you just prefer something different, you should consider all of the health benefits associated with avocados.
1. Avocados Are Loaded With Nutrients
Avocados are rich in close to 20 vitamins and minerals per serving. Just one serving of this delicious fruit contains:
  • 26% Vitamin B6
  • 53% Vitamin K
  • 33% Vitamin C
  • 21% Vitamin E
  • 41% Folate
  • 28% Potassium
  • 19% Copper
  • 28% Pantothenic Acid
2. Avocados Are An Excellent Source Of Healthy Fat
Many people avoid eating avocados because the fat content is on the high side. What these people don’t know is that avocados are high in monounsaturated fat. This type of fat can reduce your risk of heart attack, stroke, and it can control the bad levels of cholesterol in your blood.
3. Avocados Can Help Manage Your Weight
If you are trying to lose weight, you should start eating avocados. According to a study published in the Nutrition Journal, eating half an avocado can help you feel full long after eating it. The study was conducted on overweight patients and they were given a half of an avocado with their lunch. Of the patients who were given avocados, 40 percent reported that they had little desire to eat for three hours after eating the avocados. Also, 28 percent of the participants had little desire to for five hours after eating.
4. Prevents Diabetes
Avocados are known to help regulate your blood sugar levels. When you keep your blood sugar levels stable, you can reduce your risk of developing diabetes. According to a study conducted by the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention, the participants who were given an avocado with their lunch. After eating, they had their blood sugar levels measured and there was no increase at all. The participants who didn’t have an avocado with their lunch showed a small spike in their blood sugar levels.
5. Fights Inflammation
Chronic inflammation in the body can result in serious conditions such as heart disease, cancer, asthma, allergies, Alzheimer’s, cancer, arthritis, and many other serious diseases. Due to the high levels of oleic acid content in avocados, studies have shown that they can reduce the inflammation in the body.
6. Improves Your Eye Health
Macular degeneration is one of the leading causes of blindness in the United States. Your best defense against macular degeneration is zeaxanthin and lutein. The only way to get these things is through your diet. A study was performed on the 20 most consumed fruits and it found that the best source of lutein is an avocado. The study also found that they are an excellent source of zeaxanthin. If you want to protect the health of your eyes, you should start eating avocados.
7. Healthy Hair and Skin
When you include healthy fats in your diet, it can give you soft skin and glossy hair. One avocado contains over 20 percent of the daily recommended dose of vitamin E. This can protect your tissue from free radicals, which play a big part in premature aging. Many people find that rather than buying expensive skin creams, eating avocados or avocado oil can help fight premature aging within the body and it is much less expensive.
8. Lowers Cholesterol Levels
High cholesterol can double your risk of high cholesterol, which can result in heart disease. If you want to lower your cholesterol naturally, you should eat avocados. This fruit can lower your cholesterol levels, specifically, your LDL cholesterol, which is your bad cholesterol and they can lower your blood triglycerides. Avocados can also increase your HDL cholesterol, which is your good cholesterol.
9. Helps Your Body Absorb Nutrients
You can eat healthy foods all day long, however, it won’t do you any good if these foods aren’t absorbed in your body. There are plenty of nutrients that are fat soluble, such as vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin D, vitamin K, and certain antioxidants. This means that these nutrients need to be combined with fats in order to be absorbed in the body. If you add a half of an avocado with your salad, your body will be able to absorb the nutrients in the rest of the food in the salad.
10. Strong Bones
If you want to strengthen your bones, you should add more folate, copper, and vitamin K to your diet. Avocados are rich in each of these vitamins and nutrients. There have been studies published that show that eating an avocado a day can strengthen the bones of men and women of all ages.
11. Boost of Energy
If you find that you start feeling sluggish between 1 pm and 3 pm, you should start having an avocado as an afternoon snack. This delicious fruit is loaded with protein, carbs, and fats, which can give you the energy boost that you need. Before you choose a snack that will result in a sugar crash, you should consider having an avocado.
Avocados are not only delicious, they are also very healthy. If you are looking for a great snack to add to your diet, avocados are an excellent choice.

Sunday, August 27, 2017

If You’ve Ever Had a Stomach Ulcer Or Gastritis, You Need More Of These Foods In Your Diet

Inflammation in the stomach can cause a host of uncomfortable symptoms, from severe pain to nausea and vomiting. And while it’s important to treat any inflammation—which is the root cause of most diseases— it’s also important to understand the root cause of the inflammation in the first place, so you can take the proper healing approach, and plan out a proper diet.

Common Causes of Stomach Inflammation
One possible cause of stomach inflammation is gastritis, which is a result of the mucosa, or stomach lining, becoming inflamed.

Another cause is peptic ulcers, which are open sores located either on the inside lining of the stomach (called gastric ulcers) or on the upper portion of the small intestine (called duodenal ulcers). Peptic ulcers are believed to be more common than gastritis, although there’s also some overlap between the two conditions.

If you’re experiencing a burning sensation in your stomach, you may have an ulcer, or you may be suffering from gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Symptoms of acid reflux, like heartburn or regurgitation, can be caused by GERD, gastritis, or hypochlorhydria. GERD is the more severe, chronic form of acid reflux while hypochlorhydria is the scientific term for having low stomach acid.

While we tend to think that too much acid causes acid reflux and similar conditions, it’s actually low stomach acid levels in most cases that can lead to trouble for those with digestive disorders. Your stomach needs to have sufficient acidity to break down the food you’re consuming and properly absorb nutrients, and if you have acid reflux symptoms of any kind, this is typically a warning sign that you have low stomach acid.

Diagnosing Ulcers and Gastritis
Gastritis and ulcers are usually diagnosed based on a person’s medical history, physical exam, and an upper GI endoscopy. Some common causes of both ulcers and gastritis include long-term use of nonsteroidal, anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen and aspirin; an H. pylori infection; chronic stress; smoking cigarettes; or excessive alcohol consumption.

GERD, meanwhile, can result from a lot of different factors including low stomach acid, poor gut health, food allergies, hiatal hernia, obesity, chronic stress, and taking certain medications like birth control pills.

H. Pylori and Stomach Inflammation
Ulcers and gastritis are very commonly caused by Helicobacter pylori or H. pylori, a type of bacteria that inflames the stomach lining and suppresses healthy stomach acid production. According to the CDC, about 66 percent of the world’s human population is infected with Helicobacter pylori, which is believed to be transmitted from person to person through close contact with saliva, vomit, or fecal matter.

Additionally, H. pylori is said to be responsible for over 90 percent of duodenal ulcers and up to 80 percent of stomach ulcers. This is because H. pylori bacteria can cause an internal infection that weakens and irritates the protective lining of the stomach and small intestine, ultimately causing an ulcer to form. It can also cause a general inflammation of the entire stomach lining (gastritis).

If you have symptoms of gastritis an ulcer, it is important to get yourself tested for H. pylori to establish whether this is a root cause.

Ulcer and Gastritis Diet

If you want to follow an effective ulcer or gastritis diet treatment plan to improve current symptoms—or you want to make sure those unwanted symptoms don’t return—it’s important to know what to eat and what to avoid.

The following are some foods known for making both ulcers and gastritis worse:
  • Regular, as well as decaffeinated, coffee or tea
  • Cocoa, chocolate, cola beverages, and other caffeine sources
  • Alcohol
  • Spicy foods like hot peppers, cayenne, red pepper, black pepper, and hot sauce
  • Citrus fruits and juices
  • Fatty and fried foods
  • Tomato products
  • Milk and other dairy products
  • Peppermint
  • Refined foods like white bread, pasta, and sugar
  • Any known or possible food allergens